The formation of wear-resistant layers in plasma jet spraying from powders PN55T45; СГ-Т; ПН55Т45 + 50% TiC; СГ-Т (П); 80% C-T (II) + 20% TiC; 50% TiC + 50% P6M5K5 steel, have demonstrated outstanding tribological properties. It was investigated the dependence of power consumption at friction on the specific load in couple with antifriction materials.
Straturile rezistente la uzură, formate prin pulverizare în jet de plasmă din pulberile ПН55Т45; СГ-Т; 50%ПН55Т45+TiC; СГ-Т(П); 80% СГ-Т(П)+20% TiC; 50% TiC +50% oţel P6M5K5, au demonstrat proprietăți tribologice deosebite. S-a cercetat dependenţa consumului puterii la frecare de sarcina specifică în cuplu cu materiale antifricționale.