The evaluation of the global experience in the domain showed that the high- performance Medical Devices represent the indispensable part of the medical act in the prevention, correct diagnosis and treatment of some diseases that occupy the first positions in the structure of mortality and morbidity. Medical Devices efficient use implies, as a priority, the increase of the number of cost-effective and qualitative investigations and treatment.
The maintenance, verification and management of Medical Devices have become a priority in the health policy of many states, many studies proving those coherent policies in these areas can improve the cost / effectiveness of using advanced medical technologies, increase patient safety and last but not least increase quality of medical act.
The level of endowment of medical institutions with high-performance medical devices and ensuring an appropriate level of professionalism of medical resources are the key tools in ensuring the proper functioning of the health system and has a direct impact on the functional effectiveness of the system, service quality and degree to the satisfaction of the beneficiary
International experience in the field demonstrates that the allocation of the necessary resources and the creation within medical institutions of structures / units responsible for the management of medical devices significantly increase the performance of this equipment.
As a result, the quality of the services provided is dependent on the technical-material basis, including the endowment with medical devices, as well as on the professional competence of the personnel involved.
In order to improve the situation in the field of ensuring the safety, efficiency and quality of medical services in the Republic of Moldova, was implemented the Management of Medical Technologies and were founded 5 Biomedical Engineering Departments.
The benefits of implementing Medical Device Management and the activity of the Department of Biomedical Engineering consist in the optimal use of expensive medical devices, through qualified and trained personnel reducing user errors and maintenance costs.