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Bloc de locuit cu regim în elevație P+7E+PH cu parcaje auto subterane situat pe strada Tricolorului 34, municipiul Chișinău

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dc.contributor CÎRLAN, Alexandru
dc.contributor ROTARU, Ion
dc.contributor MARIAN, Maria-Liliana
dc.contributor EȘANU, Ludmila
dc.contributor IORDACHI, Tudor
dc.contributor.advisor SIDORENCO, Elena PASCARU, Silvia 2023-06-20T06:29:48Z 2023-06-20T06:29:48Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation PASCARU, Silvia. Bloc de locuit cu regim în elevație P+7E+PH cu parcaje auto subterane situat pe strada Tricolorului 34, municipiul Chișinău: proiect de licență: Programul de studiu: 0732.1-Construcţii Industriale şi Civile. Cond. şt. SIDORENCO Elena. Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei. Chişinău, 2023. en_US
dc.description Fişierul ataşat conţine: Caiet de sarcini, Rezumat, Abstract, Cuprins, Bibliografie. en_US
dc.description.abstract Cladirea este dotata cu un elemnt de décor ce are menirea de a ascunde retelele ingineresti ce se conecteaza nemijlocit la obiect. Lucrarea data cuprinde 7 compartimente ale memoriului explicativ, si partea grafica are in componenta sa coli A1. Capitolul I, cuprinde realizarea planului general, perspectiva cladirii, planului etajului tip si a sectiunea cladirii, anexind si noduri arhitecturale. Capitolul II, implica calcul structural al cladirii, avind ca baza utilizarea programului de calcul SCAD Office 21.1.1. Am stabilit sectiunele elementelor portante, astfel urmarind armarea fiecarui element, avind rezultatele eforutilor din programul de calcul SCAD. Capitolul III cuprinde alegerea tipului de fundatie specifica situatiei geologice a cladirii. In urma determinarii parametrilor necesari a pamintului de sub cladirii, s-a determinat cota nivelulu pamintului bun de fundare.S-a decis proiectarea fundatiei pe piloti ( l = 15 m), si randier cu h – 0.6 m. Capitolul IV, descrie proceselor ce vor avea loc pe parcursul executarii contrusctiei. Desemenea se manifesta prin calculul manoperei si determinarea timpului de executare a lucrarilor,alegerea masinilor si utilajului. Infrastructura cladirii se va efectua cu ajutorul macaralei MKT-40, pentru manipularea pilotilor prefabricatii. Pilotii vor fi batuti cu ciocanul diesel C-977-A. Suprastructura se va efectua cu ajutorul macaralei tip turn KB-674.2. Capitolul V, consta in elaborarea Planului Calendaristic, si organizarea santierului de constructie, cu amplasarea depozitelor provizorii ( deschise si inchise), deseamenea pozitionarea incaperilor auxiliare, caile de acces a transportului pe santier. Capitolul VI, s-a elaborat cu scopul determinarii costurilor ce au loc in timpul executarii constructiei, s-a determinat costul unui m2 al constructiei. Pentru elaborarrea devizului de cheltuieli s-a utilizat pachetul de programe WinSmeta 2000. Capitolul VII, am descris masuri de securitate pentru procesele de preparare a betoanelor, incarcarea si descarcarea . Deasemenea s-au prescris toate regulele privind tehnica securitatii, si masurile necesare pentru combaterea anumitor situatii. en_US
dc.description.abstract The building is equipped with a decorative element that aims to hide the engineering networks that are directly connected to the object. The given work includes 7 compartments of the explanatory memorandum, and the graphic part has A1 sheets as its component. Chapter I includes the creation of the general plan, the perspective of the building, the typical floor plan and the section of the building, including architectural nodes. Chapter II involves structural calculation of the building, based on the use of the SCAD Office 21.1.1 calculation program. We established the sections of the load-bearing elements, thus following the reinforcement of each element, having the results of the efforts from the SCAD calculation program. Chapter III includes the choice of the type of foundation specific to the geological situation of the building. Following the determination of the necessary parameters of the soil under the building, the level of the good foundation soil was determined. It was decided to design the foundation on piles (l = 15 m), and with h - 0.6 m. Chapter IV describes the processes that will take place during the execution of the construction. The same is manifested by the calculation of the labor and the determination of the execution time of the works, the choice of machines and equipment. The infrastructure of the building will be carried out with the help of the MKT-40 crane, for handling the prefabricated piles. The piles will be driven with the C-977-A diesel hammer. The superstructure will be carried out using the KB-308 tower crane. Chapter V consists of the development of the Calendar Plan, and the organization of the construction site, with the placement of temporary warehouses (open and closed), as well as the positioning of the auxiliary rooms, the transport access roads on the site. Chapter VI was elaborated with the purpose of determining the costs that occur during the execution of the construction, the cost of one m2 of the construction was determined. The WinSmeta 2000 software package was used to prepare the expense estimate. Chapter VII I described security measures for the processes of concrete preparation, loading and unloading. Also, all the rules regarding security techniques and the necessary measures to combat certain situations have been prescribed. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject indici tehnico-economici en_US
dc.subject schelet din beton armat en_US
dc.subject fundații pe piloți en_US
dc.subject technical-economic indices en_US
dc.subject reinforced concrete skeleton en_US
dc.subject foundations on piles en_US
dc.title Bloc de locuit cu regim în elevație P+7E+PH cu parcaje auto subterane situat pe strada Tricolorului 34, municipiul Chișinău en_US
dc.title.alternative Residential block with elevation GF+7E+PH with underground car parks located on Tricolorului street 34, Chisinau municipality en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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