According to the invention, an anthocyanin extract is proposed, which is obtained by thawing the yeast biomass from winery waste, homogenizing the suspension and autolysis at +45˚C for 8 hours or autolysis at +45˚ C for 8 hours in sodium phosphate buffer solution, centrifuging the suspensions, treating the remaining biomass with 50% ethyl alcohol, extracting for 30 min with agitator and centrifuging the suspension. The total content of anthocyanins in the extract is 65.60±0.5-134±2.6 mg/L.
Patent nr. a 20220011, 2022.02.21.
InventCor Category: A - Energy, Protection of the environment, Biotechnology
The research was carried out within the project 20.80009.5107.16, funded by NARD.