In the article are presented experimental evidences about the rationality of using parameters of manifestation heterosis effect manifestation at different levels of biological organization and the level of dominance for ...
The paper presents the results of the studies, that allows to compare specificity of manifestation of water regime parameters of leaf at 15 registered hybrids and 30 parental lines of maize, which has been grown in field ...
Astăzi producerea seminţelor de porumb pe loturi semincere neirigate în Republica Moldova are un şir de probleme semnificative dintre care sunt recoltele mici și nestabile, calitatea scăzută a materialului semincer etc. ...
The paper proposes to discuss the possibility of a logical connection between the existing methods of digital and visual documentation of protein electrophoretic spectra (PES). Therefore, the aim of this work was to develop ...
The problem of creating drought-resistant corn hybrids of the local breeding is becoming during the past decades particularly relevant, because the increasing frequency of dry vegetation periods in the Republic of Moldova. ...
Lucrarea prezentată a fost concepută în scopul studierii posibilităților de evaluare moleculară a hibrizilor de porumb pe baza utilizării formelor moleculare a zeinei (FMZ). Analiza specificului polimorfismului zeinei ...
The paper presents experimental data describing the potential use of protein (zein) polymorphism for an estimation of the tetraploid maize lines genotypic specificity. It has been shown that the use of zein protein markers ...
С середины ХХ столетия классические исследования феномена гетерозиса у растений проводят в соответствии с классификацией Густафсона по трём формам его проявления: а) репродуктивный гетерозис, в результате которого повышается ...
În lucrare sunt prezentate date experimentale ce caracterizează potenţialul polimorfismul zeinei (proteina de rezervă a endospermului de porumb) la linii autopolenizate din diferite grupe heterotice cu scopul aprecierii ...
The aim of the present work consisted in the study of maize heterozygosis effect revealing at the protein molecular level. The analysis of specific polymorphism of zein molecular forms (ZMF) allows carrying out zein markers ...
his paper presents a brief analysis of DNA polymorphism of corn hybrids and their parental forms. It is discussed the role of the PCR-technologies and the primers used to study the effect of heterosis at the molecular level.
In the presented article is proposed the idea of algorithm elaboration for maize drought-resistant forms selection based on the identification of physiological and biochemical traits of drought resistance Zea mays.L. ...
The article presents an experimental substantiation for the use of 4 key methodological principles of physiological and biochemical diagnostics of drought-resistant forms of maize. The conclusion is made about the necessary ...
The article presents the results of experimental approbation of key methodological principles of physiological and biochemical diagnostics of drought-resistant forms of maize. The first intermediate algorithm for diagnosing ...
This article presents a review of the specific scientific directions developed in Republic of Moldova for the period 1969 – 2010 years in genetics, breeding and biotechnology agricultural crops on the basis of the plant ...
The initial data on physical, chemical and biological soil properties in experimental plots located on common chernozems were studied for the soil of a field situated on the territory of the Tartaul de Salcie community, ...
Использование метода белковых маркеров в «алгоритме создания гибридов кукурузы для богарного семеноводства» в условиях Республики Молдова», позволяет получить объективные данные по тестированию линий и гибридов на ...
Problema producerii culturilor de cereale a fost şi va rămâne una dintre cele mai actuale din complexul agro-industrial al ţării. Pentru a avea o recoltă bogată, este esenţial de a respecta toate procedurile tehnologice ...
Environmental protection is a problem of global importance, which must become a national priority, because it directly concerns the living conditions and the health of the population, the achievement of economic interests, ...
The water and the soil provide in the complex the existence of all living things. Water is necessary for plants for sweating, namely for evaporative adjustment of the leaf temperature regime. Soil humidity loss occurs due ...