IRTUM – Institutional Repository of the Technical University of Moldova

Browsing Articole by Subject "agricultură conservativă"

Browsing Articole by Subject "agricultură conservativă"

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  • ANDRIUCĂ, Valentina; COJOCARU, Olesea; BACEAN, Ion; CAZMALÎ, Nicolai; MOCANU, Emilian; MELNIC, Rodica; MACRII, Lucia; POPA, Oxana (2017)
    Conservative agricultural system is a generic term utilized to define different modalities or agricultural management practices to land use in view sowing crops. The purpose of this paper is to agrophysics quality assessing ...
  • РУРАК, Михаил (2019)
    Сберегающее земледелие, или Ноу-тилл, как часто называют новую систему земледелия, в последнее десятилетие начало распространяться с огромной скоростью во всём мире. Движителями повсеместного движения в сторону новой системы ...
  • RURAC, Mihail (2017)
    Managementul buruienilor reprezintă o latură foarte importantă,alături de cele trei principii fundamentale ale agriculturii conservative, care uneori este considerat de către cercetători al patrulea principiu fundamental. ...
  • RURAC, Mihail (2017)
    Solul şi plantele constituie un ecosistem unic, în care coexistă în mod unitar şi interdependent, de aceea distrugerea continuității sistemului, chiar pe o perioadă scurtă, nu este logică. Solul are nevoie de un acoperiş, ...
  • GAVRILAŞ, Sergiu; DUBIŢ, Daniela (2017)
    The research of productivity and economic efficiency of the soybean cultivation within the classical and conservative systems was carried out in the northern part of the Republic of Moldova. There were analyzed the ...
  • ANDRIUCĂ, Valentina; BACEAN, Ion; CAZMALÎ, Nicolai; MACRII, Lucia; MELNIC, Rodica (2016)
    We have studied productivity elements - soil moisture, agro-physical properties, soil disturbance, edaphic volume and the root system in the conservative non-tillage system as compared to the traditional system - ploughing. ...
  • BOINCEAN, Boris; RURAC, Mihail; IGNAT, Anatolie; GRAMA, Marin (2018)
    The economic, environmental and social challenges faced by modern agriculture impose the necessity of adopting a new paradigm for the sustainable enhancement of agriculture in the Republic of Moldova. The factors that ...
  • РУРАК, Михаил (2019)
    Принципы сберегающего земледелия универсально применимы ко всем формам рельефа и категориям землепользования с адаптированными к местным условиям приемами. Вмешательства в почву, такие как механические повреждения, сведены ...

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