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Influence foliar fertilization in conjunction with fruit thining on apple productivity Idared variety

Show simple item record BALAN, Valerian VĂMĂŞESCU, Sergiu IVANOV, Igor 2025-02-24T07:41:07Z 2025-02-24T07:41:07Z 2013
dc.identifier.citation BALAN, V., VĂMĂŞESCU, S., IVANOV, I. Influence foliar fertilization in conjunction with fruit thining on apple productivity Idared variety. In: Analele Universității din Craiova. Seria Biologie, Horticultura, Tehnologia Prelucrarii Produselor Agricole, Ingineria Mediului. 2013, vol. XVIII (LIV), pp. 29-34. ISSN 1453-1275. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1453-1275
dc.description.abstract Fruit thinning is a major influence on high production next year, extra quality fruit this year. The company's apple orchard S.A. Zubresti have been investigated by a combination of fruit thinning of 10 - 12 and 16 - 18 mm in the central flower of the application of foliar fertilization with 46% Urea N in doses ranging from 0.4 - 1.2%, Polyfeen (19 : 19:19 + 6 elements) at a dose of 0.1%, CaCl 2 at a dosage of 0,5 - 0,7%. The number of the varietyof Idared fruit research during the years increased from 155 units to 233 units followed by growth until harvest per hectare to 57.2 t in variant with foliar fertilization with the concentration of 0.6%, 0.9%, 1 2%and more, when the fruit center thinning is 10 to 12 mm in diameter. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject foliar fertilization en_US
dc.subject Malus domestica en_US
dc.subject apple trees en_US
dc.subject thinning en_US
dc.subject urea en_US
dc.subject crop yield en_US
dc.subject varieties en_US
dc.subject fertilizare foliară en_US
dc.subject pomi de măr en_US
dc.subject soiuri
dc.subject productivitate
dc.title Influence foliar fertilization in conjunction with fruit thining on apple productivity Idared variety en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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