Structurile portante ale automobilelor se dezvolta preponderent pe criteriul minimizarii greutatii, care se poate asigura prin proiecte de caroserii cu rezistenta egala globala si locala. Utilizarea diferitelor materiale este o directie ce asigura reducerea greutatii. Asigurarea tehnologica a acestor structuri este asigurata in principal prin sudare. Procesele de sudare a diferitelor materiale metalice cu fascicul Laser sunt foarte complexe si prevad deplasarea punctului de aplicare a fascicului spre unul din materiale si acest fapt este determinat de raportul proprietatilor fizice ale materialelor supuse sudarii.
The load-bearing structures of automobiles are mainly developed based on the criterion of weight minimization, which can be ensured through body projects with equal global and local resistance. The use of different materials is a direction that ensures weight reduction. The technological assurance of these structures is mainly realized by welding. The processes of welding different metal materials with a laser beam are very complex and involve moving the point of application of the beam towards one of the materials and this fact is determined by the ratio of the physical properties of the materials subjected to welding.