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Caracteristicile senzoriale ale soiurilor de alun Cerkeskii 1, Cerkeskii 2 și Adigheiskii, Tonda di Giffoni

Show simple item record GUCI, Ivan FARINELLI, Daniela BALAN, Valerian GUCI, Victoria 2025-02-26T11:30:50Z 2025-02-26T11:30:50Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation GUCI, Ivan, FARINELLI , Daniela, BALAN, Valerian, GUCI, Victoria. Caracteristicile senzoriale ale soiurilor de alun Cerkeskii 1, Cerkeskii 2 și Adigheiskii, Tonda di Giffoni. In: Lucrări ştiinţifice, Univ. Agrară de Stat din Moldova. 2018, vol. 47 : Horticultură, viticultură şi vinificaţie, Silvicultură şi grădini publice, Protecţia plantelor, pp. 98-103. ISBN 978-9975-64-296-5 en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-64-296-5
dc.description.abstract The evaluation of the fruit and sensorial characteristics of three Moldovan hazelnut cultivars: Adîgheiskii; Cerkeskii 1 and Cerkeskii 2. Those cultivars were compared to Tonda Giffoni’s fruits, cultivar well – known to its very good industrial characteristics. This article includes methods, where the methodology used in the evaluations is described; results where the processed data of the evaluations are illustrated; and conclusion, where the results are summarized as a whole. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject alune en_US
dc.subject cultivare en_US
dc.subject soiuri en_US
dc.subject proprietăți organoleptice en_US
dc.subject hazelnuts en_US
dc.subject varieties en_US
dc.subject organoleptic properties en_US
dc.title Caracteristicile senzoriale ale soiurilor de alun Cerkeskii 1, Cerkeskii 2 și Adigheiskii, Tonda di Giffoni en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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