Canine parvovirus (CPV) is a highly contagious viral disease of dogs that commonly causes acute gastrointestinal illness in young dogs. The disease most often being registered between six and 20 weeks old dogs, but older animals are sometimes also affected. A rare variant of the disease may be seen in very young (neonatal) puppies is myocarditis an inflammation of the heart muscle. The young dogs are especially susceptible to parvovirus, and are contaminated more often in public places where there is likely to be lots of virus (animal shelters and kennels) until after their vaccinations are complete. The virus usually begins by attacking the tonsils or lymph nodes. Once inside the lymph nodes, the virus typically invades lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) for one or two days, creating many copies of itself. These viruses hitch a ride inside the lymphocytes, where they are sheltered from the host defenses, and enter the bloodstream. Many of these CPV-infected lymphocytes are ultimately killed, causing a reduction in the number of circulating lymphocytes, a condition called lymphopenia. The arm of our investigations was to establish the hematological changes of dogs contaminated with the canine parvovirus enteritis. As a result of the research carried out it was established that in animals with clinical symptoms characteristic of the disease expressed with profuse bloody diarrhea, rapid dehydration, lying down, loss of appetite, etc. Hematological research confirmed a reduced level of leukocytes being between 0.48 and 5.28 10*9/L, the number of neutrophils was reduced with values between 0.126 to 3.480 10*9/L, the number of platelets was reduced with values from 6 to 35 10*9/L and monocytes with values between 0.015 - 0.040 10*9/L, as well as eosinophils (EOS) with values from 0.013 to 0.039 10*9/L. The research has shown that typical blood count changes in dogs with parvovirus include severe leukopenia, which mainly affects neutrophils and lymphocytes, and in some cases may also occur thrombocytopenia and anemia.