Cystic echinococcosis - a chronic parasitic disease with very serious medical and socio-economic consequences. Hydatidosis is of interest because of its destructive damage to organs and tissues, especially the liver and lungs, as well as the complexity of treatment and countermeasures. This paper reflects the epidemiologic study of cases of cystic echinococcosis in domestic animals (sheep, cattle, horses, and pigs) slaughtered in licensed slaughterhouses in the Republic of Moldova. The study includes cases of cystic echinococcosis in animals N=95898, registered during 2014-2023. Even if disease indicators decrease 5-fold in animals, the Republic of Moldova is still among the hyperendemic countries of Eastern Europe. This fact is probably related to the large number of unhelminized, tapeworm-carrying stray dogs. The control system must be based on the cooperation of the medical and veterinary services, while the latter play a leading role in the fight against and prevention of this extremely dangerous disease.