Fibrous formations of the autopodium in cattle have a neuro-vascular apparatus of high capacity for adjustment, which included nerve fibers of vegetative origin. Using histochemical methods allows the differentiated study of components whish innervates the bodies and establish functional membership of nerve fibers, by highlighting the catecholamine and acetylcholinesterase activity. Selective detection of nervous conductors in the fibrous formations of the autopodium in cattle, with adrenergic components, was done by histofluorescence method. To outlining the cholinergic component of the vegetative innervations applied Gomori histochemical method. Histochemical investigations and analysis of bibliographic sources have allowed more complete disclosure histoarchitectonics components of adrenergic and cholinergic innervations of the articular capsule and periosteal bone of the autopodium in cattle. Adrenergic and the cholinergic plexus resemble each other, both are composed of nerve fibers that are multiple and multidirectional intersecting, usually forming perivascular networks.