A high level of infestation of adult cattle was established with: echinococcosis -in 28.8% - 76.8% of cases, fasciola - in 10.6% - 59.5%, dicrocelia - 22.3% - 68.3%, strongyloides – 10.5% - 30.5%, sarcochists - 86.8% - 97.6% of cases, and bulls (23-25 months), respectively, in 4.0% - 31.7 %; 1.2% - 47.7%; 10.5% - 44.7%; 17.5% - 47.5% and in 81.2% - 96.1% of cases, depending on the geographical area of the republic and the technology of animal maintenance. The high level of infestation with parasitic agents is possible due to the grazing of various species of animals, of different ages, on limited lands, the uninterrupted contact of cattle with intermediate hosts, the weakening of state control over the implementation of anti-parasitic measures, as well as the use of the same anti-parasitic remedies for several years. In infested cattle with fasciola, the content of vitamins (A, E, B1, B2, C), micro- and macroelements (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, P) changed in the muscle tissue and liver, which considerably influences their nutritional value. The content of vitamin A in the liver decreased by 1.4 times, E – by 3.18, correspondingly B1 and B2 - by 1.08 and 1.23 times, C - by 2.08 times, iron - by 3.01 times, phosphorus - by 4.17, calcium - by 1.56, magnesium - by 1.04 times, and the content of sodium and potassium increased, correspondingly, by 1.61 and 1.25 times, compared to non-infested animals. In muscle tissue, the content of vitamin A was 1.83 times lower, E – by 1.67, B1 – by 1.21, B2 – by 1.11, C – by 3.73, calcium – by 1.60, phosphorus - 1.46, and magnesium, sodium, potassium and iron - correspondingly 1, 34, 1.82, 1.3 and 3.14 times higher than in healthy cattle. When infected with fasciola, the young trematodes that migrate, on their surface, from the intestines, bring to the liver of mammals, opportunistic staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, Proteus, and sometimes Clostridium and as a result hepatitis, cholangitis and cholecystitis develop. An associative disease occurs in animals, the primary factor of which are trematodes, and the secondary factor is conditionally pathogenic microflora, which develops intensively in the liver and intestines of the infested animal. A complex treatment to combat fasciolosis is recommended. During the stable period, two groups of anthelmintics are used: the first group effective against young fascioles (acemidofen, usovermit, etc.), the second group - against adult fascioles (albendazole, hexihol, fazinex, etc.). The preparations from the first group are administered in the months of September-November, and from the second (depending on the results of coprological research) - in the months of February-March (until grazing), taking into account the period of preimaginal development of the fascioles in nature and in the host intermediate, and of the adults in the definitive host. For the elimination of toxigenic colibacilli, hemolytic streptococci, toxigenic staphylococci, proteins, clostridia, which intensively develop in the intestine of animals infested with fasciola, as well as for the purpose of combating bacteria, which develop intensively in the liver and bile, it is recommended that over 2- 5 days after deworming to be administered 5 days concurrently, over 24 hours, antibacterial preparations (antibiotics, sulfanilamides, nitrofuran). After 5-7 days, remedies prepared from the normal obligate microflora (acidophilic, acidopropionic, nitrogen-fixing bacteria) are introduced into the animal's ration.