Among sheep diseases, gastrointestinal, liver, and protozoal parasitic infections represent a significant socio-economic threat worldwide. Between September 2023 and September 2024, sheep kept in two farming systems: traditional (120 heads) and semi-intensive (115 heads) were studied, a total of 94 fresh fecal samples from sheep farms located in the Prut (Fălești) and Nistru (Rezina) areas were analyzed. In the laboratory they were examined by flotation (Fulleborn, Darling), coprolarvoscopic (Popov, Baermann) and successive washings methods, followed by microscopic examination. It was established that 85,7% of sheep were invaded with TGI parasites, liver localization or ectoparasites. Twelve species of parasitic organisms were identified in sheep kept in the traditional system, and 10 species in the semi-intensive system. Parasitofauna is practically identical, there are sharper deviations in the extent and intensity of invasion, more pronounced in the cold season of the year, when in sheep kept in a semi-intensive system, both indices decrease significantly.