Reproduction management in buffaloes is a challenge for practitioners and researchers and any research in this regard is considered to be an important step in the development of bioeconomy. Recently, this species has been marginalized both in the field of research, biodiversity and production. Embryo transfer to ruminants is a biotechnique known and applied all over the world, but at a potential that is below par, compared to the benefits brought. Embryo transfer through the MOET or IVD method (new name), highlights the genetics of the female, those females selected as bull mothers. The ET IVD method is the cheapest because it does not consume many media and consumables like IVF. Through the polyovulation protocol carried out in Mediterranean buffaloes, the Romanian variety (BIR), is appreciated as variable and inconstant, regardless of the polyovulatory hormone used (pFSH vs eCG), according to the type of estrus (spontaneous sv induced), season and farm management. In the Romanian Indigenous Buffalo, the polyovulatory response generated an average of 3.57 CL/session (2.29 CL left ovary vs 1.28 right), with a predilection for the standing ovary of +28%. All embryos obtained had a high quality grade (code 6-1, 7-1) with a pregnancy rate of 25% per experiment and a total of 16.6% in recipients. At the Terra di Bufala farm in the town of Războieni, Iași county, it was reported in 2018 to the national profile forums (ARET), European (AETE) and world (IETS), the obtaining of the first Romanian buffalo calf obtained through embryo transfer biotechnology (ET IVD).