The purpose of the conducted research was to establish the post-vaccination effectiveness of immunized foxes with vaccines applied as baits to reduce the incidence of rabies in wildlife from the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Vaccination was carried out as part of the national program of prophylactic vaccination in the period 2020-2023, by the aerial distribution method of the "Lisvulpen" vaccine, produced by the company Bioveta, Czech Republic. The samples taken from the shot foxes (Vulpes vulpes) were sent for investigation to the Sanitary-Veterinary and Food Safety Laboratory, from Iasi, Romania, unique Laboratory Code RO213-ANSVSA. As samples for the research were fragments of the mandible (bone + teeth), thoracic fluid and brain samples. The samples were coded individually, the unique code, mandatory presentation of information such as: the age category of the animal, the place of sampling (district, locality), the place where the foxes were shot, the GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude), the origin of the samples (forest bypass, association by hunters). The research results showed that from the total of 65 thoracic fluid samples taken from the youth, 18 thoracic fluid samples showed the presence of post-vaccination antibodies and 47 negative samples for the presence of post-vaccination antibodies, which constitute 27.69% of the samples with the presence of antibodies. At the same time, from the total of 101 thoracic fluid samples taken from adult foxes, 34 samples showed the presence of post-vaccination antibodies and 67 negative samples, which constitute 33.66% of the results of the presence of antibodies.