Due to the continuous growth and renewal of the integument, nutritional deficiencies translate early on into clinical skin signs. Zinc is an essential trace element involved in numerous metabolic processes. Deficiency, induced mainly by inhibition of absorption by some competitors (excess calcium and other bivalent ions, moldy feeds rich in phytic acid and phytates), leads to significant economic losses. Zinc deficiency expresses itself clinically relatively late in the disease, with parakeratosis of the epidermis (the visible part of the iceberg) and of the epithelium of the keratinized mucous membranes: buccal, esophageal, forestomach, esophageal portion of the gastric mucosa, vaginal, immunosuppression, growth retardation, reproductive disorders etc. We have recently encountered an episode of parakeratosis in young pigs, which started 3 weeks after changing the feed with a cheaper (poor quality) one.