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Noi contribuții în sistemul integrat de protecție a plantațiilor de măr

Show simple item record CROITORU, Nichita PANUȚA, Sergiu MAGHER, Maria 2025-03-19T09:57:42Z 2025-03-19T09:57:42Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation CROITORU, Nichita; Sergiu PANUȚA și Maria MAGHER. Noi contribuții în sistemul integrat de protecție a plantațiilor de măr. In: Lucrări științifice, Univ. Agrară de Stat din Moldova. 2022, vol. 56: materialele Simpozionului Științific Internațional „Sectorul agroalimentar – realizări și perspective”, 19-20 noiem. 2021, pp. 242-247. ISBN 978-9975-64-329-0. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-64-329-0
dc.description.abstract Apple plantations during the growing season are attacked by various species of insects, mites and other groups of pests that attack buds, flower buds, inflorescences, leaves, shoots, fruits, branches, stem and root. For the effective control of the codling moth, 1-2 treatments are applied for the first generation and 2-3 treatments for the second generation. At the beginning of laying, it is recommended to use chitin inhibitory preparations. When exceeding the economic damage threshold for combating apple worm caterpillars, more than 50 products with various active substances and mechanism of action are approved. Based on the above, the purpose and objectives of the research were to study the biological efficacy of the insecticide IN2020031, SC, in combating the apple pest complex. During the vegetation period of 2020, in the apple culture, favorable conditions were created for the development of codling moth and tortricidal moths. The most effective in controlling apple pests is the insecticide IN202003-1, SC, with a consumption rate of 0,5 l / ha + 1,0 l / ha (SAS), which ensures a reduction in fruit attack by apple worm codling moth 95,70 to 97,36%, tortricidal moths - from 97,17 to 94,95%. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject mere en_US
dc.subject Malus domestica en_US
dc.subject combaterea dăunătorilor en_US
dc.subject combatere chimică en_US
dc.subject insecticide en_US
dc.subject viermele merelor en_US
dc.subject Cydia pomonella en_US
dc.subject molia cojii fructelor en_US
dc.subject Adoxophyes orana en_US
dc.subject capcane feromonice en_US
dc.subject apples en_US
dc.subject pest control en_US
dc.subject chemical control en_US
dc.subject indoxacarb en_US
dc.subject codling moth en_US
dc.subject summer fruit tortrix en_US
dc.subject insecticides en_US
dc.subject pheromone traps en_US
dc.title Noi contribuții în sistemul integrat de protecție a plantațiilor de măr en_US
dc.title.alternative New contributions to the integrated system for the protection of apple plantations en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States

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