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Eficiența biologică a unor produse cu conținut de alfa-cipermetrin, 200 g/l în combaterea dăunătorilor din plantațiile de măr

Show simple item record CROITORU, Nichita PANUȚA, Sergiu TĂLMACIU, Mihai TĂLMACIU, Nela 2025-03-19T11:23:24Z 2025-03-19T11:23:24Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation CROITORU, Nichita; Sergiu PANUȚA; Mihai TĂLMACIU și Nela TĂLMACIU. Eficiența biologică a unor produse cu conținut de alfa-cipermetrin, 200 g/l în combaterea dăunătorilor din plantațiile de măr. In: Lucrări ştiinţifice, Univ. Agrară de Stat din Moldova. 2018, vol. 47: Horticultură, viticultură şi vinificaţie, Silvicultură şi grădini publice, Protecţia plantelor, pp. 566-572. ISBN 978-9975-64-296-5. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-64-296-5
dc.description.abstract The apple culture has an important share in the fruitful patrimony of the republic. Being a species well suited to the temperate climate and with great ecological plasticity, the apple tree can be cultivated under various pedoclimates conditions. Due to the existence of different forceful rootstocks, this species is suitable for the most varied crop systems, even coming to the fact that some apple species have a special decorative value. Obtaining high, stable and high-quality production requires the application of all the achievements in the science and practice of fruit growing. Technological links have an important role in protecting the apple against harmful organisms and especially insect pests, because in some years the harvest losses caused by these can reach up to 100%. Apple crops during the growing season are attacked by different insect species, mites and other pest groups attacking buds, floral buttons, inflorescences, leaves, shoots, fruits, branches, stems and root, or or several organs simultaneously. Many chemical treatments are applied to effectively control the pests from this crop. Over 50 products with different active substances and mechanism of action are approved when exceeding the economic threshold for insect pest control. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject combatere chimică a dăunătorilor en_US
dc.subject insecticide en_US
dc.subject eficienţă biologică en_US
dc.subject pomi de măr en_US
dc.subject chemical pest control en_US
dc.subject orchards en_US
dc.subject apples en_US
dc.subject Cydia pomonella en_US
dc.subject testing
dc.title Eficiența biologică a unor produse cu conținut de alfa-cipermetrin, 200 g/l în combaterea dăunătorilor din plantațiile de măr en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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