Conferinţe: Recent submissions

  • COTRUŢA, Alexandr; ŞCERBAC, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    The share of thermal energy plays the main part in the total energy use of our houses: 86% of energy use in private houses goes on heating and getting hot water. It is covered mostly due to gas and oil. As there are no ...
  • BREGA, Ecaterina; PLAMADEALA, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    This article is about candy cotton, a product which we all enjoy due to its very sweet taste and which begins to gain popularity in the medical field as well. If you've ever been to a carnival, circus, amusement park, fair ...
  • VITIUK, Alexandr; ABABII, M. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    This article presents information on the compact fluorescent lamp (CFL), also known as an energy saving light, or less commonly as a compact fluorescent tube (CFT).
  • COJOCARU, Ion; ABABII, M. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    A solar updraft tower power plant – sometimes also called „solar chimney‟ or just „solar tower‟ – is a solar thermal power plant utilizing a combination of solar air collector and central updraft tube to generate a solar ...
  • AZAROV, Ana; ABABII, M. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Metrology is the science of measurement, which comprises both experimental and theoretical measurements and determinations at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology. The intricate and mostly invisible ...
  • CROITOR, Irina (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    It is recognized that the “non-sustainable" types of production and consumption are the main causes of environmental degradation. They deepen both poverty and social inequality in society that is why there has appeared the ...
  • MURSIEV, Ruslan (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    The Wankel engine is a sort of heat engine, which has a rotary piston. In other words instead of going up and down, the Wankel piston rotates in the cylinder. Both cylinder and piston are quite different in shape from those ...
  • BUCICOVSCHII, Artiom; GORILA, S. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Cet article porte sur l’ergonomie, son rôle dans l’industrie, les connaissances utilisées dans ce domaine, les conditions de son emploi, les techniques permettant une meilleure conception et, enfin, sur son impact sur le ...
  • STATI, Anatolie; STRICOVA, N. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Cet article met en évidence les effets négatifs des ondes électromagnétiques sur les facteurs biologiques et techniques, le problème très actuel aujourd'hui.
  • FUCEDJI, Maxim (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    In the 19-th century, people wanted to create a machine that would help transporting goods and passengers to long distances. In the 20-th century, people wanted to improve the engine to make it more effective and faster. ...
  • BEZMOŞCIUC, Marina (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Food additives have become a necessity for all types of food products and food industry. Right from the aroma of the beverage, the texture of the food and its visual appeal have to be enriched to make it acceptable.
  • STATI, Anatolie; STRICOVA, N. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Cet article présente les avantages des cellules photovoltaïques et leur potentiel pour devenir la principale source d'énergie alternative.
  • ZVEAGHINTEV, Roman (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Scotch whisky is whisky made in Scotland. Originally known as “Aqua vitae” or “water of life” for it’s healing properties, the first recorded reference to the substance is found in the Scottish Exchequer Rolls of 1494. ...
  • LAICOVSCAIA, Cristina; STRICOVA, N. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Le présent article aborde le sujet du moteur Stirling. Ce moteur a été inventé par le pasteur écossais Robert Stirling et breveté en 1816. Ce moteur qui devait remplacer le moteur à vapeur fut découvert 70 ans avant ...
  • DANILA, Mariana; STRICOVA, N. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Dans cet article l’auteur parle de l'énergie éolienne comme source d'énergie renouvelable produite par le vent. À la fin de 2006, la capacité éolienne mondiale générée était de 73904 MW, les générateurs éoliens produisent ...
  • VATCENCO, Svetlana; GRAJDEAN-BALABAN, I. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Lucrarea ce urmează tratează canapeaua drept un articol de mobilier indispensabil de locuinţa noastră. Canapeaua ca şi scaunul este o piesă de mobilă care-i provoacă pe designeri. De ce? Atunci când vine vorba de un obiect ...
  • SEREACOV, Alexandru; MOSCALENCO, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Prezentul articol abordează o nouă tehnologie în format 3 D, care este bazată pe principiul viziunii binoculare. Trăind în zilele de azi şi lucrând cu un volum de informaţie foarte mare sub formă de texte, sunete, imagini ...
  • POGORLEŢCHI, Mihail; HODINITU, E. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    În acest articol sunt relatate problemele actuale ale businessului din Republica Moldova şi analiza căilor de depăşire a lor.
  • FURTUNA, Cristina; BICHIR, A. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Articolul reflectă chipuri ale oraşelor ideale – roadele imaginaţiei umane, ce n-au mai fost construite în realitate, devenind visul neîmplinit al omenirii.
  • GURANDA, Alexandru; CUCIUC, V. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Patriotismul, globalizarea şi ...bucătăria. Există oare legătură între aceste noţiuni? În prezentul articol am încercat să descopăr această legătură şi să delimitez locul bucătăriei.

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