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PALADE, Nicolae; BURDUJAN, Victor; MELNIC, Angela
The purpose of our experiments was to study the role of sowing time and density on the degree of plants‘ wintering, formation of their productivity elements and average yield (kg/ha) as well as the quality of winter durum ...
This studies exposes the results of research to assess the production capacity of the soil cover joint at different agroecosystems. It was established that for field crops, typical moderate humus chernozems have the highest ...
In polyfactorial field experiments, under the effect of three factors, the common winter wheat variety „Meleag” provided a statistically significant positive increase of +1418.3 kg/ha the LD being 146.0 kg after the ...
BURDUJAN, Victor; DUBIȚ, Daniela; MELNIC, Angela
The paper presents the results of 3 year research studies on the productivity, content and amount of crude protein recorded by the winter barley variety Zimovyi in multifactorial field experiments. It has been established ...
Cercetările ştiinţifice în cadrul Facultăţii de Agronomie au început paralel cu activitatea didactică în anul fondării facultăţii, 1933. În primii ani la facultate sub conducerea ctitorului învăţămîntului agronomic în ...
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