In order to ensure optimal solutions for all-embracing energy issues, we elaborated scientifically based (mainly on Thermodynamics) Strategy of Sustainable Energy Development (3D-Strategy), founded on three principles: Decentralization, Diversification and Decarbonization. Our credo is - only complex, integrated approach can ensure optimal, sustainable solutions for all energy related problems. It is because the Universal law of energy conservation integrates all nature phenomena. The only possibility for Sustainable Energy Development realization is the reasonable use of renewables as non-carbon, sustainable technologies. The adjective “reasonable” is a key word - because in many cases abundantly subventioned renewables finally do not contribute to the respective essential gain of free energy ΔG (we prove that ΔG is the universal integral parameter which finally characterizes the result of innovations’ implementation). Because of the important shortage of renewables - intermittency - accumulation of energy (and quite often - also its transportation) become critical issues.