În urma încercărilor efectuate a fost elaborată rețeta de producere a bomboanelor de tip praline cu pudră din fructe de aronia cu concentrația de 4%/100g materie utilizată. Au fost studiate caracteristicile fizico-chimice ale fructelor de aronia. Sa-u analizat indicatori organoleptici, chimici și microbiologici a bomboanelor de tip praline cu pudră din fructe de aronia. În urma cercetărilor s-a constat că bomboanele analizate corespund HG nr 204 din 11.03.2009 cu privire la aprobarea reglementării tehnice ”Produse de cofetărie”.
After performed tests has beed elaborates recipe for the production of praline candy with powder from fruits of aronia with concentration of 4%/100g of used matter. The physico-chemical characteristics of the aronia fruits were studied. The organoleptic, chemical and microbiological indicators of the praline candy with powder of fruits of aronia were analyzed. Following the research, it was found that the candies analyzed correspond to the GD no 204 of 11.03.2009 regarding the approval of the technical regulation "Confectionery products". The antiradical activity, DPPH was determined in the conditions of gastric digestion "in vitro". Following the determinations, it was found that the control sample has a positive anti-radical activity 31.7%, and the sample with powder from fruits of aronia in relation to control sample bigger than 1,3 times (42,1%).