Conținutul tezei de master este structurat în 3 capitole. În primul capitol este analizat procesul de management, care poate fi de cîteva tipuri: proceselor și sarcinilor. În capitolul 2 sînt descrise tehnologiile utilizate. Sînt comparate cu altele și se argumentează alegerea acestora. În al treilea capitol sînt prezentate rezultatele practice ale lucrării. Aici este descris fiecare modul al sistemului, cu o mică porțiune de cod, care este exlicată succint.
The content of the master thesis is structured in 3 chapters. The first chapter is intended for the theoretical framework in which it is necessary to collect the most relevant information. This chapter analyzes the management process, which can be of several types: processes and tasks. Similarly, Chapter 1 indicates the purpose of the work and the objectives of the implementation of this system. Existing systems are also analyzed, and it is concluded that there is no system to meet all the company's needs. The existing systems that are currently used by the team. Chapter 2 is dedicated to the analytical framework. This chapter describes the technologies used. They are compared to others and their choice is argued. Chapter 2 describes the latest trends in web programming. The second part of Chapter 2 contains the system design module. Using the UML modeling language, case-usage diagrams and classes are designed. In the third chapter are presented the practical results of the paper. Here is described each module of the system, with a small portion of code, which is briefly exited.