Lucrarea prezintă rezultatele studiului realizat în baza chestionării studenţilor în cadrul sondajului “Evaluarea calităţii studiilor la distanţă”. Acesta a fost desfăşurat în scopul stabilirii impactului formei de instruire asupra calităţii studiilor şi satisfacţiei studenţilor în condiţiile impuse de pandemia Covid-19. Chestionarea s-a desfăşurat în două reprize şi a permis observarea schimbării din momentul trecerii forţate la forma de instruire la distanţă, când restricţiile cauzate de pandemie au impus necesitatea transferării rapide a procesului de instruire de la forma tradiţională, faţă-în-faţă, la instruirea integral online, şi peste 1 an, în care s-a acumulat experienţă, s-a conştientizat necesitatea implicării, adaptării şi dezvoltării continue. În concluzie au fost formulate direcţiile de acţiune viitoare în vederea implementării instruirii online ca formă de suport pentru formele tradiţionale de învăţare.
The paper represents the results of the study based on the students' questionnaire in the „Evaluation of the quality of remote education” survey. The current survey was conducted in order to identify the impact of the training format (remote in contrast with conventional learning) on both qualities of the studies and student satisfaction levels in the conditions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. The questioning of the students took place in 2 rounds, which has allowed us to observe the change in the quality of the studies from the moment in which the remote learning was introduced. When the restrictions were applied, there was a need for a quick transition of the teaching process from the conventional to the online format. In the past year, there was a large amount of knowledge that was gained in terms of online teaching, and thus there is need for further improvement and adaptation of our teaching capacities. To sum up, there are several actions that were formulated for the implementation of online training as a means of support for traditional learning formats.