Proceeding from the fact that the past is a valuable source of information and guidance of great significance for today and generations to come, a glimpse into the annals of distant times reveals first source for Romanian Countries customs policy. Undoubtedly the oldest income of Romanian political organizations – principalities and small kingdoms; was born right on public carting (public trading), which grace to our lands settlement, along international roads in those days, was the most important source of wealth. With the advent of public organizations, appropriate economic units have been applied to these occupations profitable (a series of tax) as a right of passage over the territory subject to authorities, a fact mentioned in the preceding paragraph. In times of state being an organized institution customs was a tax institution; income of which could explain that this great institution provided the kinghood. Customs duties were levied, as the documentary notes, in a time very close to the foundation of the state and may even be linked with ancient state formations on the territory of our country is about and the beginnings of urban life. Such fees are charged: at the borders for any freight transport crossing through urban centers, at selling goods and, finally, to leave the country. In a certain period of time, duties were almost the only source of income in money and goods of rulers, being productive for the treasury, because it applies to all goods imported, exported and transit. The customs duty has been fixed by conventions, treaties or trade privileges, concluded by the ruler with Heads of State with which the Romanian countries had trade relations as well as some trade centers or associations of foreign merchants. For some categories of goods, be granted reductions in customs, while others pay more. Until the second half of XVIII century customs policy was characterized in general by the existence of uniform duties. The customs and tax amounts depended on trade with foreign states, internal and external urban centers and commercial roads crossing the country. To the customs revenues have increased as the internal and external trade development that was closely linked to the nature of relations with all countries and especially with neighboring.