Facultatea Calculatoare, Informatică şi Microelectronică: Recent submissions

  • MÂNZAT, Gheorghe (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Article present a consept of information system «RSS – Reader». Presented software concept belongs to RSS-agregator software class but in comparation to other representatives it has some special features of RSS news grouping ...
  • PUSTOVALOVA, Olga (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The ESOTEK project by the University of Deusto (Spain) is aimed to provide computer assistance to patients who are learning esophageal speech. Esophageal speech is an alternative way of speech production that can be used ...
  • COJOCARU, Ion; ŞERBANAŢI, Luca; PĂVĂLOIU, Bujor; RADOVICI, Alexandru; VASILOŢEANU, Andrei (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The problem of easy testable digital circuits’ design, which appeared in the 60s of the last century, being in the permanent focus of the digital circuits’ producers, has not found its adequate solution yet. Complexity of ...
  • COJOCARU, Ion; ŞERBANAŢI, Luca; PĂVĂLOIU, Bujor; RADOVICI, Alexandru; VASILOŢEANU, Andrei (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Solving the problem of Design for Testability (DFT) supposes not just studying the modern promising ways, but deep studying of the different traditional aspects connected to synthesis of easy testable digital circuits (DC). ...
  • CATERENCIUC, Svetlana (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Close observation and comparison of words clearly shows that a great many words have a composite nature and are made up of smaller units, each possessing sound-form and meaning. These are generally referred to as morphemes ...
  • GUŢULEAC, Emilian; MEDINSCI, Dan (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    În lucrare sunt prezentate aspecte de elaborare şi realizare a unui sistem informaţional de simulare animată a protocolul wireless Ad-hoc On demand Distance Vector (AODV) a reţelelor Ad-hoc.
  • GROZAVU, Nistor; ROGOVSCHI, Nicoleta (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The Internet offers to its users an ever-increasing number of information. Among those, the multimodal data (images, text, video, sound) are widely requested by users, and there is a strong need for effective ways to process ...
  • MAGARIU, Nicolae (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The method of data handling processes modeling by means of transition diagrams and transition diagram systems is considered. As well as the method of program specification construction on base of dynamic model representation ...
  • Lucia STADLER (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The modern electronic techniques implementation of information technologies and implementation of information technologies in administrative process from Health System needs significant expenditures. Because of this, a ...
  • POCOTILENCO, Valentin; SIDORENCO, Veaceslav (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    This abstract provide some basic concepts about Grid, quality of services (QoS), instrumentaries that realize quality management in Grid infrastructure. One of important goals is to describe features of QoS, workflow and ...
  • STETSIK, Victor M.; ALISENOK, Evgenii V.; KONONENKO, Valerii K.; MANAK, Ivan S.; POLIKARPOV, Sergei S. (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Output power characteristics of high efficiency quantum-well heterolasers with a wide stripe contact based on the AlGaInAs semiconductor compounds are studied. It is shown that the laser elements can be applied together ...
  • CIORBĂ, Dumitru; BEŞLIU, Victor (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Utilizarea tehnicilor formale sau semi-formale în procesele de proiectare, în cel mai apropiat timp poate duce la apariţia unor instrumente automatizate de design şi refactoring a sistemelor obiect-orientate. Iar prin ...
  • LOPATENCO, Andrei; KULEV, Mihail (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Worldwide, C is the first or second most popular language in terms of number of developer positions or publicly available code. This thesis presents the ways, possibilities and types of memory management in C language. ...
  • FIODOROV, Ion; FIODOROV, Olga (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Se propune o metodă de acordare a regulatoarelor liniare tipizate pentru sinteza sistemelor de reglare automată (SRA) cu grad maximal de stabilitate şi performanţe impuse. Se prezintă algoritmul de sinteză a SRA cu grad ...
  • FIODOROV, Ion; IZVOREANU, Bartolomeu; CERCEL, Arcadie; BARANOV, Simion (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    În lucrare se prezintă un sistem informaţional destinat pentru măsurarea în regim automat a profilului de distribuţie a impurităţilor în adâncimea structurilor epitaxiale din arsenură de galiu, cu afişarea pe ecranul ...
  • CATLABUGA, Eugeniu (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    În lucrare se propun ecuaţiile cu derivate parţiale şi în formă complexă pentru calcularea repartiţiei tensiunii de-a lungul înfăşurării la intrarea undei de tensiune inaltă în transformator. Deasemenea se prezintă curbele ...
  • ДРАГОНЕР, Валерий; МАРУСИК, Галина (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Рассмотрена схема трехфазного фотоэлектрического растрового преобразователя линейных перемещений в фазовый сдвиг выходного напряжения, в котором с целью устранения погрешности, вызванной неравенством световых потоков в ...
  • ŢURCANU, Dinu; ALEXEI, Anatol; BEJAN, Nicolae; FINCIUC, Sergiu; SMOCHIN, Dumitru; NISTIRIUC, Ion; BEREGOI, Eugeniu; NISTIRIUC, Pavel; ANDRONIC, Serghei (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    În prezenta lucrare se analizează utilizarea aparatului proceselor semi-Marcov şi grupării de fază la descrierea reţelelor moderne de comunicaţii, datorită faptului, că nu conţin limitări privind legile de distribuţie a ...
  • COJOCARU, Ion; ŞERBANAŢI, Luca; PĂVĂLOIU, Bujor; RADOVICI, Alexandru; VASILOŢEANU, Andrei (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    For more than 20 years Design for Testability (DFT) is in a big impasse: the solutions proposed do not represent general methods, well argumented and formalized – they rather present cases of specific structures or particular ...
  • ŢURCANU, Iurie; GUŢULEAC, Emilian; CORDUNENU, Alexei (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    În lucrare sunt prezentate aspecte de elaborare şi utilizare a unui sistem software instrumental, realizat pentru modelarea, verificarea funcţională, simularea animată şi evaluarea performanţelor proceselor discret-continue ...

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