Chișinăul de la sfârșitul secolului XIX – începutul secolului XX nu poate fi numit oraș al Art Nouveau-ului, el a fost și este un oraș eclectic. Art Nouveau, alături de celelalte stiluri, a participat la crearea aspectului deosebit al orașului, conferindu-i personalitate. Mă bucură faptul că la începutul veacului au existat pe meleagurile moldave persoane care erau interesate de ceea ce se întâmplă în avanposturile creaţiei artistice. Conservarea acestei mărturii este, fi rește, un imperativ. Este de datoria specialiștilor de a sensibiliza în acest sens factorii care au puterea decizională și cărora le revine și răspunderea de a lua toate măsurile pentru îngrijirea acestor bijuterii arhitectonice.
The Art Nouveau of Chisinau had two forms of manifestation: as an official art – public buildings (the building of former Community of Medical Nurses “Red Cross” of the Harbovat Monastery (today the State Chancellery Polyclinic); the building of Doctor Lazar Tumarkin’s Hydrotherapy Clinic (today Rompetrol SA Company’s office); Psychiatric Hospital Costiujeni, Codru, architect A. Bernardazzi; the building complex of the former Belgian Anonymous Society Tramvai), and as private art – residential buildings. Quantitatively, the number of Art Nouveau residential buildings in Chisinau is impressive – approx. 100. Qualitatively, however, not as much. A great part of the residential houses built at the beginning of the 20th century in Chisinau are lightly influenced by the Art Nouveau style, another part wears a barely noticeable mark of the style. In the majority of cases the facade compositions, usually symmetrical and in one storey, sometimes in two or three storeys, evince a strong historicist leaven, on which some modest elements of the new style engraft. Produced mainly based on a pattern project, the buildings are harmoniously proportionate and clearly express function.