Lucrarea are ca obiect de cercetare problematica logisticii as istate de calculator si solutiile moderne aplicate astazi in industrie si economie. Au fost abordate probleme legate de depozitare, aprovizionare, planificare, tipurile de logistica in amonde de productie si in distributie, sisteme informationale serviciile logistice etc. Au fost caracterizate solutiile moderne pentru modelarea logisticii in intreprindere, functionarea logistica,. mijloacele de planificare, arhitecturile retelelor etc.
The paper focuses on computer-assisted logistics and modern solutions applied today in industry and economics. Issues related to warehousing, supply, planning, types of logistics in production and distribution, logistics systems, logistics services, etc. were addressed. Modern solutions for enterprise logistics modeling, logistics operation, have been characterized the means of planning, the architectures of the networks, etc.