Lucrarea dată se referă studiul proceselor structurilor și instrumentelor de inovare: procesul de rezolvare creativă a problemelor, sisteme structurate de dezvoltare ale noilor produse (procesul faze-porţi, "stage-gate process", TRIZ, metoda de concepere a inovaţiilor C4, Ingineria Valorii, Benchmarking, QFD (Desfesurarea funcţiilor Calitatii), Kansei Engineering etc.), procesul de inovare (liniar - prima generaţie, liniar - a doua generaţie, prin cuplaj - a treia generaţie, integrat-functional - a patra generaţie, prin integrarea sistemelor şi inovarea în reţea, “electronizarea inovării” - generaţia a cincea, în opt etape) etc.
This paper refers to the study of the processes of structures and tools of innovation: the process of creative problem solving, structured systems for the development of new products, the phase-gate process, "stage-gate process", TRIZ, the method of designing innovations C4, Value Engineering , Benchmarking, QFD (Quality Functioning), Kansei Engineering, etc.), the innovation process (linear - first generation, linear - second generation, by coupling - third generation, integrated-functional - fourth generation, by systems integration and network innovation, “innovation electronics” - fifth generation, in eight stages) etc.