In lucrare este analizat fenomenul de transfer internaţional tehnologic (TIT), canalele de
transfer, condiţiile interne si externe ale partenerilor participanţi la transfer, politicile si masurile
utilizate pentru incurajarea si amplificarea lui cum ar fi cele legate de: capacitatea de absorbţie, de
drepturile de proprietate intelectuală (DPI), de promovarea Investiţiilor Străine Directe (ISD), de
restricţiile si selectarea (screening) ISD, de cerinţe de performanţă, de stimulentele pentru investiţii
etc.. Se constata ca transferul internaţional tehnologic este un process dinamic polifactorial, dar care sta
la baza dezvoltării modeme a tarilor in curs de dezvoltare cum este si Republica Moldova
This paper analyzes the phenomenon of internaţional technology transfer (TIT), transfer
channels, internai and externai conditions of partners participating in the transfer, policies and
measures used to encourage and amplify it such as those related to: absorption capacity, rights
intellectual property (IPR), the promotion of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), restrictions FDI and
screening FDI, performance requirements, investment incentives etc. It is found that internaţional
technology transfer is a dynamic multifactorial process, but which underlies the modem development
of developing countries such as the Republic of Moldova.