The development of dynamical surface of viscous liquid with electrical charge is researched in the periodical restoring process of spatial deformation type crater. The possibility of obtaining of optical elements on PTPC is indicated which combines the different physical properties as the diffraction (diffusion) and the refraction (focusing). The investigation of evolution kinetic of periodical deformed dissipative structures of crater type deformation indicates the existence of optimal time of 0.1 - 9.9 s as the dependence of recording regime, the destroying of optical refractive elements does not take place during it. The experimental calculations indicate that the developing speed of dynamical surface refractive element can give the values of 100 micrometers per second in the transversal plane and 0.2 from the thickness of the visualizing layer in the normal plane. A mechanism of germination and a mechanism of multiplying exists in the process of apparition and development of dissipative structures. This assures the nanofabrication of diffractive elements as optical non homogenous in the real time of development of refractive element. The diffractive element as the form of nonhomogenizes - deformation of crater type appears in the limit intervals from 0.04 to 0.1 s.