Laboratorul mobil - complex mamografic digital este destinat pentru depistarea preventivă a cancerului mamar, pe caroseria unui automobil cu respectarea normelor NFRP-2000, la un preţ de cost substanţial redus. Caracteristicile relevante ale acestui laborator mobil sunt: efectuarea screeningului mamar in orice localitate; accesul şi supravegherea populaţiei social vulnerabile, inclusiv persoanele în vârstă, care sunt mai mult predispuse la cancer; posibilitatea de deplasare la domiciliu, cu efectuarea screeningului de urgentă; tehnologii de scanare, cu reducerea dozei de iradiere pentru pacient.
The mobile laboratory is assigned to detect breast cancer at early stage. The laboratory is installed on a car body according to the NFRP-2000 rules. The mammography laboratory has a national coverage, at a substantially lower cost compared to similar equipment abroad. The relevant characteristics of the mobile laboratory are: performing breast screening in every location; access and supervision of social vulnerable people, including the elderly, who are more prone to cancer; possibility of movement at home with the emergency screening; the latest scanning technologies are used, to reduce the irradiation dose to the patient.