A fost elaborată o metodă de analiză a calităţii nanostraturilor utilizând calculele spectrelor optice de reflexie conform relaţiilor de dispersie ale modelului oscilatorilor multipli aplicată pentru polaritonii excitonici [1, 2]. Metoda permite determinarea factorului de amortizare, care caracterizează calitatea straturilor, perfecţiunea structurii şi, de asemenea, forţa oscilatorilor a tranziţiilor electronice. Parametrii nivelelor energetice ale straturilor cuantice şi a punctelor cuantice depistate sunt determinate prin calcule. Contururile spectrelor de reflexie sunt, de asemenea, determinate utilizând relaţiile Kramers-Kronig, care permit determinarea indicelui de refracţie n, coeficientul de extincţie χ, parte reală (ε1) şi partea imaginară (ε2) a constantei dielectrice complexe ε.
An analysis method of nanostructures’ quality had been developed using the calculation of optic reflection spectra according to the dispersion relations of the multiple oscillators method applied to the excitonic polaritons [1, 2]. The method permits to determine the dumping factor, which characterizes the layers’ quality, the structure perfection and, also, the oscillators force of electronic transitions. The parameters of the revealed energetic levels of quantum wells and of quantum dots can be determined using a row of calculations. The reflection spectra contours are, also, determined using Kamers-Kronig relations, which permit to determine the refractive index n, the extinction coefficient χ, the real (ε1) and imaginary (ε2) part of the complex dielectric constant ε.