A fost efectuat studiul spectrelor de luminescenţă, absorbţie şi reflexie ale heterostructurilor In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs cu gropi cuantice pentru determinarea stărilor electronice fundamentale ale excitonilor polaritonici în gropile cuantice. A fost determinată prezenţa tranziţiilor electronice de pe stările excitonice excitate în straturile cu gropi cuantice şi propus un model de separator al modelor optime (TE, TM) pe baza heterostructurilor In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs.
The study of luminescence, absorption and reflection spectra of In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs heterostructures with quantum wells was made for determining fundamental electronic states of polariton excitons in quantum wells. The presence of electronic transitions from the excited excitonic states was determined and it was proposed a model of optical modes separator (TE, TM) based on In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs heterostructures.