A fost studiat portul popular românesc şi vechile simboluri ale obiectelor de artă populară: textile, broderii, decoruri şi bijuterii. Colecţia atestă croiul şi stilistica costumului tradiţional românesc şi se bazează pe expresii plastice şi decorative ale materialelor tradiţionale. La confecţionarea modelelor au fost utilizate atât tehnici tradiţionale de realizare a textilelor, cât şi procedee moderne de decorare a produselor.
It was studied the folk Romanian costume and the ancient symbols of the folk art objects, such as textiles, embroideries, decorations and jewelry. The collection attests the cut and stylistics of the Romanian traditional folk costume and is based on plastic and decorative expressions of the traditional materials. For the creation of the costume models were used both traditional textile manufacturing techniques and modern product decoration methods.