Invenţia se referă la domeniul sistemelor de conversiune a energiei solare (termice sau fotovoltaice). Instalaţia solară cu autoorientare are la bază un sistem de mecanisme de acţionare, care permit instalaţiei să urmărească traiectoria mişcării soarelui în plan meridional şi azimutal. Acest fapt asigură un randament înalt de conversiune a energiei solare.
The invention relates to the power engineering, namely to plants for sun energy conversion into the electric one. The self-orienting solar plant includes a sun-energy collector, joined therewith mechanisms for orientation in horizontal and vertical directions, as well as a system for orientation mechanisms control, providing the continuous collection of the sun energy during a whole sunny day, in an optimum regime, irrespective of the geographic latitude and season.