The paper studies the modification of the oxidase activity, which is manifested by the browning of juice and wine made from white grapes varieties, such as Sauvignon, Viorica, Legenda, Pinot Gris, and the change in the chromatic characteristics of juice and wine obtained from red varieties (Cabernet – Petit, Cabernet-Sauvignon) from the Central region as well as from the Southern region of the Republic of Moldova with the administration of various doses of experimental activated carbon AC-C (0.2; 0.4; 0.6; 1.0 g/l), obtained from local raw material in the Laboratory of Ecology, the Institute of Chemistry of ASM. The PPO activity was traced from the processing of grapes to the production of wines. The involution of PPO activity over time is determined by the doses of sorbent used, but in different ways for different musts and wines.