Teza de master a fost elaborată în scopul căutării de soluții de confecționare a produselor cu sprijin în talie, care ar asigura calitatea înaltă de poziționare a produsului pe corp individual cu reducerea cheltuielilor de timp necesare pentru probe. În calitate de obiectul al studiului a fost selectat sortimentul produselor cu sprijin în talie, şi, în special, pantalonii. În vederea realizării scopului şi obiectivelor propuse au fost stabilite regulile generale de funcționare a sistemului de fabricaţie în regim individual şi identificate etapele de lucru specifice procesului de confecţionare a produselor vestimentare la comandă individuală în cadrul unui atelier de confecţii.
The master's thesis was developed in order to search for solutions for the manufacture of products with waist support that would ensure the high quality of positioning the product on the individual body with the reduction of time expenses needed for tests. As the object of the study, the assortment of products with waist support was selected, and especially the pants. In order to achieve the proposed goal and objectives, the general rules for the operation of the individual manufacturing system were established and the work steps specific to the process of making clothing products to individual order in a tailoring workshop were identified. In order to establish the optimization criteria for the manufacturing process of clothing products, an analysis was made of the construction and shape of the products with waist support, of the particularities of the female body structure in the lower part of the body, which constitutes the support surface of the products under study and of product design methods in the manufacturing system on an individual scale.