Aceasta teza a fost creata pentru a efientiza transportul de marfuri si animale cu transport specializat in asa mod ca sa fie asigurata securitatea marfurilor transportate precum si a animalelor sin nu in ultimul rind asigurarea securitatii la traficul rutier.
Teza de master conține memoriul explicativ într-un volum de 73 pagini.
Memoriul explicativ conține patru capitole, 63 figuri, 16 tabele și 20 surse bibliografice.
Capitolul I
Este o analiza a legislatiei in vigoare a Republicii Moldova si a Uniunii Europene in domeniul transportului de marfuri si animale pentru asigurarea transportului corespunzator.Sunt reprezentate legile in viguare care denota unele insuficiente in domeniul transportului si legile care prescriu destul de clar necesitatea de transport corespunzator.
Capitolul II
Este destinat cerintelor in vigoare de fixare a incarcaturii si standartele aplicate de catre Uniunea Europeana pentru fixarea incarcaturii in mod corespunzator pentru asigurarea in mod eficient si pentru nu a provoca aciidente in traficul rutier. Modalitati de fixare si materiale necesare care se aplica la moment in domeniul transportului.Fortele ce actioneaza in timpul miscarii asupra incarcaturii .
Capitolul III
Este destinat Transportului de animale cu autovehicole speciale destinate fiecarei categorii de animal in parte plus actele necesare . Asigurarea animalelor in dependenta de soi si tiperile de temperaturi . Asigurarea dupa transportare ,termeni de transportare si timpurile de stationare cu aprovizionarea acestora.
Capitolul IV
Acest capitol eflecta situatia actuala in Republica Moldova in transportul de animale si modalitatile de transport necesare in care este luat in calcul temperaturile de transportare, timpul,umiditatea pentru un transport regulamentar dar si tipurile de autovehicole care sunt destinate transportului de animale precum si incarcarea descarcarea tratarea dupa transport . Mai este reprezentata modalitatea de transport a incarcaturilor la moment. Este efectuat calculul de fixare a incarcaturii cu ajutorul curelelor si nume pentru un tip de sarcina de cite cureli de fixare este necesar . Sunt descrise tipurile de curali pentru fixarea incarcaturii in anumiti factori de actionare in timpul transportarii asupra sarcinii.
This thesis was created to streamline the transport of goods and animals with specialized transport in such a way as to ensure the safety of transported goods as well as animals and last but not least the safety of road traffic.
The master's thesis contains the explanatory memorandum in a volume of 73 pages.
The explanatory memorandum contains four chapters, 63 figures, 16 tables and 20 bibliographic sources.
Chapter I
It is an analysis of the legislation in force of the Republic of Moldova and of the European Union in the field of the transport of goods and animals to ensure proper transport. The laws in force that denote some insufficient ones in the field of transport and the laws that clearly prescribe the need for proper transport are represented.
Chapter II
It is intended for the requirements in force for securing the load and the standards applied by the European Union for securing the load in an appropriate manner for securing it effectively and not causing accidents in road traffic. Methods of fixing and necessary materials that are currently applied in the field of transport. The forces that act on the load during movement.
Chapter III
It is intended for the transport of animals with special vehicles intended for each category of animal separately plus the necessary documents. Insurance of animals depending on the variety and temperature types. Insurance after transportation, transportation terms and parking times with their supply.
Chapter IV
This chapter reflects the current situation in the Republic of Moldova in the transport of animals and the necessary transport methods in which the transport temperatures, time, humidity are taken into account for a regulated transport, but also the types of vehicles that are intended for the transport of animals, as well as the loading, unloading, treatment after transport. The method of transporting loads at the moment is also represented. The load fixing calculation is carried out with the help of straps and names for a type of load, how many fixing straps are required. The types of corrals are described for fixing the load in certain action factors during the transport on the load.