În ultimii ani, piața vinurilor moldovenești a înregistrat o creștere semnificativă, în special datorită dezvoltării comerțului internațional. Moldova este una dintre țările care a semnat Acordul de Asociere cu Uniunea Europeană și beneficiază de regimul comercial preferențial cu aceasta, ceea ce permite accesul vinurilor moldovenești pe piața europeană fără taxe vamale. De asemenea, Moldova a semnat și acorduri comerciale cu alte țări din Europa și din afara acestui continent, cum ar fi China, Japonia sau Statele Unite ale Americii.
The Republic of Moldova is one of the countries with a long winemaking tradition and has considerable potential in the development of the wine market. In recent years, the Moldovan wine market has registered a significant growth, especially due to the development of international trade.
Moldova is one of the countries that signed the Association Agreement with the European Union and benefits from the preferential trade regime with it, which allows the access of Moldovan wines to the European market without customs duties. Moldova has also signed commercial agreements with other countries in Europe and outside this continent, such as China, Japan or the United States of America. These trade agreements have significantly contributed to the development of the international trade of Moldovan wines and to the increase of exports. Currently, the most important markets for Moldovan wines are Ukraine, Romania and Russia, followed by European Union states such as Poland, the Czech Republic or Germany. In recent years, Moldovan wine exports have increased significantly, surpassing the value of 120 million US dollars in 2020.