Our research presents a theoretical study, which reflects the importance, possibilities, and character of stylistics observed in some periods of time and manifested in objects and interior elements in public or private architectural spaces in Moldova. The author reflects on the role of research by observing and exploiting the stylistic interference of other cultures and nations, the creations of representatives in the field, and by forming a complex picture of the Moldovan interior space. The influence of stylistic elements on the interior space in different periods of time is elucidated, observed, and implemented in the residential or non-residential space through form and constructive materials, interior design, organization and zoning, furniture, stylistic detailing, but also through visual arts in painting and graphics, real historical portraits, landscape paintings, interiors from different localities and periods of time, demonstrating the undeniable richness of the cultural heritage of the Republic of Moldova, but also the need for research and exploitation of the national treasure.