The goal of this paper is to optimize the selection objective in a paternal pig line. The refore, we simulated six types of indexes, which differ among them on the number of traits. There were analyzed the following traits: (Drăgănescu Condrea, 1979) body weight at the age of 182 months (BW), (H.Grosu, S. Lungu, V.D. Kremer, 1997) percentage of emptybody meat (MPB); (L.N.Hazel,1943) average daily gainbetween the age of 0 - 182 months (ADG); (C.R.Henderson, 1963) average daily gain of empty body (ADGB). MPB trait was included in each objective (index). The six indexes were: (Drăgănescu Condrea, 1979) MPB+BW; (H.Grosu, S. Lungu, V.D. Kremer, 1997) MPB+ADG; (C.R.Henderson, 1963) MPB+ADGB; (Hazel L.N., 1943) MPB+BW+ADG; (G.Movileanu, 2008) MPB+BW+ASDGB, and (L.D.Van Vleck, 1993) MPB+BW+ADG+ADGB. The genetic parameters were computed using the REML method and the biologic importance of the traits was estimated on linear multiple regression. In order to establish the best combination of traits which maximized the expected genetic progress, certain parameters were used, such as: the accuracy of selection, overall genetic progress (ΔH) and the genetic progress for each trait (ΔG i). The best index was the last, which included all traits. Ithad the following parameters : 1,087 (r HI); 2,144 (ΔH) and 3,35% (ΔG for MPB)