Procedeul, conform invenției, include hrănirea albinelor cu un amestec din sirop de zahăr de 50% şi un preparat imunomodulator în cantitate de 0,002….0,018 ml/l de sirop de zahăr, amestecul fiind administrat în cantitate de 1,5…3,0 l la o familie de albine, de 2….3 ori toamna, în luna septembrie, peste fiecare 1…4 zile, şi 1 l de amestec la o familie, totodată preparatul imunomodulator conține: peptide cu greutatea moleculară mică din pereții celulari ai bacteriilor malolactice, cel puțin 500 mg/100 ml.
According to the invention, the method includes feeding of
bees with a mixture of 50% sugar syrup and an
immunomodulating agent in an amount of 0,002….0,018
ml/l of sugar syrup. The mixture of 1,5….3,0 l is used per
one bee family. It should be used 2-3 times in autumn (in
September) every 10-12 days, also between April and prior
to the main honey flow. The immunomodulating agent
contains low-molecular weight peptides of the lactic acid
bacteria cell walls, its amount is not less than 500 mg / 100