Procedeul, include hrănirea albinelor cu un amestec din
sirop de zahăr de 50% şi 30,0…90,0 mg/L de extract de
glicozide dehidroconiferil alcool-9'-O-ß-D-glucopiranozidă şi
dehidroconiferil alcool-9-O-ß0-D-glucopiranozidă 10-5…10-2
verbascozidă, în cantitate de 1,0 L la o familie de albine,
primăvara, cu un interval de 6 zile, în lipsa culesului melifer
de între܊inere până la începutul culesului principal de la
salcâmul alb.
The method includes feeding of bees with a mixture of 50%
sugar syrup and 30,0…90,0 mg/g of the glycoside extract of
dehydroconipheryl sprite-9'-O-ß-D-glucopyranoside and
dehydroconiperyl sprite-9-O-ß-D-glucopyranoside10-5…10-2
verbascoside, in amount of 1,0 l per one bee family, it
should be used in spring, with 6 days apart, in the case of
the absence of supporting honey flow to the main honey
flow that is obtained from the acacia tree.