In the Republic of Moldova, the sweet cherry tree (C. avium) is one of the priority species the fruit of which are in demand on the domestic and foreign markets. In 2022, 37 varieties and 10 promising varieties were registered in the Plant Varieties Catalog. The approved range has made it possible to use intensive systems for establishing and maintaining new sweet cherry orchards at optimal density and with large and cost-effective yields.
The most productive sweet cherry cultivars and rootstock varieties used in modern cherry fruit production were studied. The vegetative rootstocks are uniform. They reduce tree growth rates, induce precocity, and allow fruit growers to harvest superior quality fruit in modern, high-density orchards. In the cultivation of sweet cherry trees, vegetative semi dwarfing (Gizela 5), semi-vigorous (Gizela 6, P HL-S, Krymsk 6), moderate vigorous (Krymsk 5, Maksma 14, Piku 1, Gisela 12) and vigourous (Colt, Maxma 60) rootstocks are used, which has recently received special attention in our country. The Ferrovia, Early Star (self-fertile) and Black Star (self-fertile) varieties are of moderate vigor with spreading crowns.