On the background of global climate changes with arid lasting periods there is an acute arising problem of forest, including beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests, degradation, not only in the Republic of Moldova, but throughout the European continent. In order to restore beech plantations in the Republic of Moldova, there were
sown seeds from different growing zones (Băiuț, Suceava, Gilău, Hârlău (Romania); Chernivtsi; Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine), Ciorăști, Hîrjăuca and the Codrii, and Plaiul
Fagului scientific reserves (Republic of Moldova)) in the „Plaiul Fagului” scientific reserve.
The purpose of these studies was to determine the most resistant genotypes to adverse environmental factors as well as the possibility of using the biological preparation Reglalg for reducing abiotic stress. The seedlings were processed during the vegetation period 2 times (on 20 May and 13 June), by spraying with a water solution with the concentration of the Reglalg of 0.5%.