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Browsing 2009 by Title

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  • PUSTOVALOVA, Olga (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The ESOTEK project by the University of Deusto (Spain) is aimed to provide computer assistance to patients who are learning esophageal speech. Esophageal speech is an alternative way of speech production that can be used ...
  • COJOCARU, Ion; ŞERBANAŢI, Luca; PĂVĂLOIU, Bujor; RADOVICI, Alexandru; VASILOŢEANU, Andrei (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The problem of easy testable digital circuits’ design, which appeared in the 60s of the last century, being in the permanent focus of the digital circuits’ producers, has not found its adequate solution yet. Complexity of ...
  • CERNEI, Mihail; GHEŢIU, Vladimir; MELINTE, Victoria (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    An insignificant change of physical problems conditions can differentiate increase their level of difficulty. The problem becomes attractive for the students.
  • BRAGARENCO, Andrei; RITTMAN, Danny; SONTEA, Victor (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Este prezentat principiul asistării proiectării circuitelor integrate asistata de un sistem de verificare si recomandare in timp real. Sunt prezentate principiile de baza a sistemului, avantajele introduse prin utilizarea ...
  • SUDACEVSCHI, Viorica; ABABII, Victor (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Lucrarea de faţă este dedicată proiectării sistemelor de transfer bidirecţional de date, unde, ca unitate de control a transferului de date se utilizează reţele Petri hard. Structura reţelei Petri hard corespunde funcţional ...
  • BARANOV, Serghei (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The Fe-based composition of cast amorphous glass-coated microwires with positive magnetostriction constant is investigated. The residual stresses distributions in this type of microwires determine domain structures and ...
  • POCOTILENCO, Valentin; SIDORENCO, Veaceslav (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    This abstract provide some basic concepts about Grid, quality of services (QoS), instrumentaries that realize quality management in Grid infrastructure. One of important goals is to describe features of QoS, workflow and ...
  • GOROBIEVSCHI, Svetlana (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The article represents a small study concerning the migration problem of the citizens of Moldova and the factors that influence it. Taking into account the evolution of population in The Republic of Moldova based on the ...
  • TCACI, Olga; SEVERIN, Olga; ISTRATI, Daniela (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Les découvertes linguistiques tendent à montrer que la langue se comporte comme un système. Cependant, c'est un système difficile à cerner, quelquefois flou (jugements grammaticaux et d'acceptabilité de Chomsky). Il faut ...
  • SOBOLEV, Nikolai A. (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The paper presents a survey of effects occurring in Si-Ge and III-V quantum dots, quantum wells, quantum wires and superlattices upon electron and proton irradiation as well as upon ion implantation. The important issue ...
  • GHEORGHIŢĂ, Eugen; ERMALAI, Felicia; CANŢER, Valeriu (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    In AIIIBV chemical combinations family, gallium antimonide is a material with unusual physical properties. Behavior of the transition elements like Iron, Chromium, Manganese, Nickel in various AIIIBV combinations is a ...
  • MORARU, Vasile (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Lucrarea de faţă abordează cu ajutorul funcţiei Lagrange şi a programării semidefinite problema de programare pătratică cu restricţii pătratice în variabile binare. Problema de programare pătratică cu restricţii pătratice ...
  • GHEORGHIŢĂ, Eugen; ERMALAI, Felicia; CANŢER, Valeriu; KOROLEVSKI, Boris (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    În lucrarea dată se descrie experimentul pedagogic realizat de autori pe parcursul a mai multor ani în activitatea de predare a cursului opţional “Problemele actuale ale fizicii contemporane”. Cursul a fost susţinut ...
  • MÂNZAT, Gheorghe (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Article present a consept of information system «RSS – Reader». Presented software concept belongs to RSS-agregator software class but in comparation to other representatives it has some special features of RSS news grouping ...
  • DOROGAN, Valerian; VIERU, Tatiana; VIERU, Stanislav; DOROGAN, Andrei (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The paper presents new type of photoreceivers (photodiodes, photoresistor) on the basis of semiconductor heterostructures of III-V compounds. As distinct from classic devices elaborated photoreceivers possesses new functional ...
  • AZZAG, Hanane; LEBBAH, Mustapha; LAVERGNE, Julien; ROGOVSCHI, Nicoleta (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    We propose in this paper a new manner to learn topographic clustering which uses points of interest. This new approach introduces in the learning phase a new concept of referent of interest. These referents are automatically ...
  • DARADKEH, Yousef; BORDIER, Andrei (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    These The process of developing software applications by integrating one or more Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components has received much attention lately because it provides potential benefits including shortening the ...
  • FIODOROV, Ion; FIODOROV, Olga (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Se propune o metodă de acordare a regulatoarelor liniare tipizate pentru sinteza sistemelor de reglare automată (SRA) cu grad maximal de stabilitate şi performanţe impuse. Se prezintă algoritmul de sinteză a SRA cu grad ...
  • MITIOGLU, Anatolie; GAVRILUŢA, Anatolie; LASCOVA, Renata; GHERMAN, Cornel (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The peculiarities of photoluminescence (PL) and optical absorption spectra of PbS nanocrystals (NC) were investigated. The PbS NCs were obtained in chloroform as well as aqueous colloidal solutions using different technologic ...
  • CERCEL, Arcadie; IZVOREANU, Bartolomeu; FIODOROV, Ion; BARANOV, Simion (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    În lucrarea de faţă se prezintă un dispozitiv de comandă şi achiziţie de date pentru aparatul de măsură E7-12, ce permite racordarea acestuia la calculatorul personal. Scopul urmărit a fost automatizarea măsurărilor necesare ...

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