În acest articol este prezentata metoda de deshidratare a fructelor cu consum redus de energie. Pentru estimarea eficienţei acestei metode, a fost elaborata o instalaţie experimentala pentru deshidratarea fructelor, de tip tunel, în baza careia au fost realizate cercetarile. Pentru tratarea fructelor în procesul deshidratarii, au fost utilizate convecţia şi microundele. Rezultatele obţinute în baza metodei propuse au fost comparate cu cele obţinute la aplicarea metodei clasice de deshidratare. Astfel, cercetarile au demonstrat ca deshidratarea fructelor conform metodei noi permite reducerea consumului de energie electrica de 4,69 ori.
This article describes a low-energy fruit dehydration method. To evaluate the effectiveness of this method, an experimental fruit dehydration plant of the tunnel type was developed, on the basis of which the studies were carried out. Convection and microwaves have been used to treat the fruits during the dehydration process. The results obtained on the basis of the proposed method were compared with those obtained when using the classical dehydration method. Thus, studies have shown that dehydration of fruits by the new method allows of reducing electric energy consumption by 4.69 times.