Procedeu de hrănire a albinelor, care include hrănirea acestora toamna cu un amestec din sirop de zahăr cu concentrația de 1,5:1 și 2,0.....4,0 ml/L de bioregulator natural
care reprezintă o soluție apoasă de chitosan polidispers, acid clorhidric, în cantitate de 3,0 L (în două rate câte 1,5 L) la o familie de albine, și primăvara respectiv de 1:1 și 2,0.....4,0 ml/L
de bioregulator, în cantitate de 1,0 L de amestec la o familie de albine, peste fiecare 7 zile primăvara, începând cu luna aprilie până la culesul principal.
Procedure for feeding bees, which includes feeding them in autumn with a mixtu-
re of sugar syrup with a concentration of 1.5: 1 and 2.0 ..... 4.0 ml / L of natural bioregulator
which is an aqueous solution of chitosan polydispers, hydrochloric acid, in an amount of 3.0 L (in two installments of 1.5 L each) in a family of bees, and in the spring respectively of 1: 1 and 2.0 ..... 4.0 ml / L of bioregulator, in the amount of 1.0 L of mixture to a family of bees, every 7 days in spring, starting from april until the main harvest.